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#52weeksofnature Photo Contest Week 1 Winner

The winner of Week 1 of our #52weeksofnature photo contest is Jason Bruton (@sagebrushdiary). No matter how many times you see this view it never get old. The sandstone buttes of Monument Valley are some of the most iconic rock formations in the American West. Jason has won a $100 gift code to and we are donating $100 to the Access Fund in his name. Learn more about Jason below.

Where was the image shot?
At the "Forrest Gump Overlook" looking south towards Monument Valley, Utah.

What camera did you use and what were the settings?
Camera: Nikon D610
Lens: Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/400'
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 100

Was there any special preparation required to capture the photo?
No, not really. Nothing other than hoping for decent weather and an early wake-up in Cortez to make the drive and not get to the site too late.

How long have you been shooting?
As long as I can remember. I'm 40 now. When I was a kid I would take a 110 camera around with me and take what I thought were professional pictures. A decade a later I took a few semesters of photography at the high school vo-tech school. Never did pursue it as a career, but have always loved shooting. Maybe as a retirement job?

What's your camera of choice?
Nikon. I like that I can use an older manual version of a lens that would today cost me more than I can afford. I also shoot film and I can swap lenses between the formats with Nikon's F-mount.

What’s your favorite subject matter to shoot?
Outdoors, landscapes, lifestyles I suppose. Or my son.

Do you shoot with a crew or shoot solo?
Solo. Maybe one day if I take this further I'll have a crew.

What excites you about photography?
Sharing a story without words, capturing moments and finding expression in technology. As an audio engineer, I find a lot of pleasure when technical skills cross paths with art. Photography is another outlet for me in this form.
