Week 20 Winner
The winner of Week 20 of our #52weeksofnature photo contest is Brad Petersen. During daylight hours the 14,180 foot Mount Shasta appears to be massive. However, when viewed at night under a star filled sky the impressive peak becomes small in comparison to the vast universe above it. Brad has won a $100 gift code to hippytree.com and we are donating $100 to the Surfrider Foundation on his behalf. Learn more about Brad below.
Where was the image shot?
Mount Shasta is in Northern California. Believe it or not, this vantage point is just a short hike off the I-5 Freeway.
What camera did you use and what were the settings?
Camera: Canon 6D
Lens: Canon EF 35mm
Shutter Speed: 30sec
Aperture: f/2.5
ISO: 6400
Was there any special preparation required to capture the photo?
Before every shoot I ask myself, "Is this something worth viewing? Is this something someone would want on their wall?" I recently picked up a new wide angle lens and wanted to give it a go at night. I had the camera on a small stand for stability.
How long have you been shooting?
Approximately 10 years.
What excites you about photography?
Photography is something I really put my heart into. I take photos with the end goal of evoking emotion in the viewer.
What’s your favorite subject matter to shoot?
I love shooting in nature. I feel closer to God and a true sense of being at peace when among the various terrains of our Earth.
Do you shoot with a crew or shoot solo?
Both can add or subtract from any given adventure, but I find myself wanting to share experiences with others so typically I'll get out there with friends.