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#52weeksofnature Photo Contest Week 10 Winner

The winner of Week 10 of our #52weeksofnature photo contest is Simon Shackleton (@simonshackleton_photography). Sometimes a little morning fog is just what a photo needs. Simon has won a $100 gift code to and we are donating $100 to the Surfrider Foundation in his name. Learn more about Simon below.

Where was the image shot?
On the North Downs in Kent, in the southeastern part of the UK. The Downs are a range of hills that run up the spine of the county of Kent and offer wonderful vantage points of the flatlands below.

What camera did you use and what were the settings?
Camera: Nikon D800
Lens: Nikkor 300mm F4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/2'
Aperture: f/4.5
ISO: 100

Was there any special preparation required to capture the photo?
We had a great run of weather here in the UK towards the end of February, with misty, foggy mornings here and there. These are amazing conditions to shoot because they completely transform the landscape, softening all the edges and allowing you to isolate subjects that would otherwise be surrounded by ephemeral ‘stuff'. That said, it’s also extremely challenging to shoot. The fog tends to refract the light and gives false readings on the camera, and it also moves extremely quickly. So unless you’re primed and ready you’ll miss the shot.

How long have you been shooting?
I’ve been shooting for thirty years, but it only became my primary occupation in the past year or so after I transitioned away from my previous career as a DJ & Music Producer.

What's your camera of choice?
Nikon all the way for me. The D800 has been my workhorse for the past four years.

What’s your favorite subject matter to shoot?
I love the experiential nature of landscape photography - it’s much more than the click of the shutter. I’m especially fascinated by the challenge of communicating my first-hand experiences with viewers of the finished image, which largely comes down to a combination of composition and post-processing / color-grading.

Do you shoot with a crew or shoot solo?
More often than not I’m a solo traveller on my photo missions, but fortunately my partner, Chele Gutek, is also a photographer and filmmaker. She accompanies me on some shoots, especially when they don’t involve a 4:30 wake-up call!

What excites you about photography?
Photography is a creative outlet for me - a means of creating pieces of art. Every part of the process is integral to creating the finished product, and I enjoy the advance planning and post-production just as much as I do being on location.
